家乡:叙利亚、沙99499威尼斯信誉阿拉伯、英国 目前国内: 华盛顿99499威尼斯信誉区
乔治华盛顿大学(BBS, International Business); 美国大学 (MS, Finance); Columbia University (MS, 新闻)
经验: One of the main ways in which Foxcroft shaped my interests was through English class, 即使当时我的写作能力很差. At Foxcroft, academics really pushed me to think and to explore my own creativity. 我永远不会忘记坐在英语课上, 日复一日, and engaging in conversation with the teacher and other classmates about the latest book that we had been assigned to read. It was the time when I learned 一个 of the most important things about myself: That I love to write and read!
在99499威尼斯信誉, 我把写作当成一种爱好来追求, 但这很快就影响了我的职业. 当我在银行工作的时候, 例如, I became a market analyst so that I researched and wrote market reports for a living.
底线: 我无法想象我的生活, 无论是职业上还是个人兴趣上, 中间没有字. And I give Foxcroft a good chunk of the credit for teaching me this about myself.