
Affording Foxcroft

威尼斯彩票游戏根据学生的资格录取学生,而不考虑他们家庭的经济状况. 鼓励家庭在有需要时申请经济援助,并酌情探索优秀奖学金.

Our boarding and day school for girls, located in Virginia, 为2023-24学年的学生提供51%的助学金和/或奖学金, totaling $2.5800万美元的助学金和40.3万美元的择优助学金.

Average Day Award


Students Receiving Aid


Average Boarding Award


Financial Assistance

As of August 2023, 威尼斯彩票游戏与Clarity合作成为我们的经济援助申请提供者. 我们选择Clarity是为了更好地服务我们现在和未来的家庭. 我们相信,这一变化将使家庭申请经济援助的过程更加容易.

Additionally, 通过直接从IRS转移,Clarity无需上传您的2022 W2和1040. 整个应用程序只需要大约20分钟即可完成.

Ready to Apply?

To begin the application process, go to the Clarity website 然后按照说明创建一个新帐户或登录.

Refer to the Clarity Family Information Guide for instructions on how to navigate the online application.

If you need support while 和pleting your application, there is in-app support as well as email support at support@claritytuition.和 in both English and Spanish. 应用程序本身也完全翻译成西班牙语.


Merit Scholarships

提供给学生的捐赠奖学金数量有限. 其他面向新生的优秀奖学金不需要额外申请. 奖学金是根据一般入学申请的整体实力和捐助者规定的具体标准颁发的.

Bedford Scholarship

The Ruth T. Bedford ’32 Merit Scholarship for the Arts,一项25,000美元的助学金,你必须申请. 她支持那些和她一样热爱艺术的女孩,那些体现了她的冒险精神和进取心的女孩.

Mars Scholarships

Mars Scholarships Merit Awards are multi-year scholarships awarded to students with a demonstrated ability in the areas of literature and the arts; science and math; and civics, government leadership and history, and a particular interest in service to their 和munity.

IT Fund

Established anonymously in 2008, 此基金为校友的女儿及孙女提供择优资助。.

Endowed Scholarships

Foxcroft is grateful to the many donors who, through their generosity and thoughtfulness, 是否为未来的学生提供了就读我们寄宿学校的机会. 这些资金不需要额外的申请,并根据一般入学申请的整体实力和捐助者规定的具体标准颁发. When paired with need-based assistance, 冠名奖学金可以取代FA奖的一部分,以允许资金用于支持其他学生.

Four-Year Full Scholarships

Two Extraordinary Opportunities

多亏了忠诚的威尼斯彩票游戏家族和卢·沃马克的慷慨, Foxcroft很高兴能够为Mary Louise Leipheimer和Jess Y提供两份全额奖学金. Womack, respectively. 这些奖学金的有效期最长为四年,并在当前奖学金获得者毕业时生效. 这些奖学金不需要额外申请. 

Leipheimer Scholarship

Established in 2005 by a loyal Foxcroft family, the Mary Louise Leipheimer Scholarship is named in honor of Mary Louise Leipheimer. A former Head of School, Mary Lou在2014年退休之前将她的大部分职业生涯都奉献给了Foxcroft. 她的四年奖学金被授予“一个拥有努力学习和尽情玩耍能力的学生”. This student demonstrates the qualities, often overlooked in young people, most exemplified by Mary Lou: honor, dedication, loyalty, humor, grace, and an understanding heart."

Womack Scholarship

由卢·沃马克(Lou Womack)于2008年创立,以纪念她的丈夫杰西(Jess)为基础 Jess Y. Womack II Scholarship 使女孩们更容易接受威尼斯彩票游戏的教育,她们热衷于充分利用威尼斯彩票游戏的经历.

Tuition & Fees (2024-25)

寄宿学生一学年的学费包括学费、住宿费、食宿费和餐费. 全日制学生有一个房间,每周可以寄宿两天,周末的活动和项目(除了学年的第一个月), which is required). 所有学生,包括走读生和寄宿生,每天都有三餐. Please click on the links for our Tuition and Fee Summaries.

Day Student Tuition


Boarding Student Tuition (Domestic)


Boarding Student Tuition (International)

*International fees included



List of 3 items.

  • Payment Plan Options

    Plan A: Deposit due within 10 days of contract signing; 100% of Tuition & Fees due July 1st
    Plan B: Deposit due within 10 days of contract signing; 60% of Tuition & Fees due July 1st & remaining 40% due November 1st 
    Plan C: Deposit due within 10 days of contract signing; Fees due July 1st; Tuition split into 10 equal payments due on the 1st of each month May through February
    ***Payment plan options are subject to change. Availability may vary based on enrollment contract.
  • Tuition Refund Insurance

    Tuition Refund Insurance 是否需要支付计划的家庭,是否可供选择全额支付的家庭选择. 

    2022-23 Tuition Refund Insurance Plan
  • Truth In Lending Disclosure

    威尼斯彩票游戏被要求向选择10个月还款计划的家庭提供一份“贷款真相披露”. A generic Truth In Lending Disclosure can be found here. If the 10 month payment option (Plan C) is selected, 然后,您将在注册合同完成后3天内通过商务办公室的电子邮件收到定制的Truth In Lending Disclosure.

Access & Inclusion at Foxcroft

Working hand in hand with access 组织anizations, our goal is to ensure excellent education for every student. As of now, 我们招收了来自不同准入组织和“送校”项目的学生,这些项目致力于为美国未被充分代表的学生提供教育机会.

Partnering Organizations:
  • Emerging Scholars
  • The Wight Foundation
  • NJ SEEDs
  • Inspiring Young Minds

Questions? Contact Us

Foxcroft School
22407 Foxhound Lane
Middleburg, Virginia 20117

99499威尼斯信誉拉: 540.687.4340
See our Privacy Policy for additional information.

An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.