祝贺你踏上了寻找适合你的高中的伟大旅程,并选择探索威尼斯彩票游戏. We are excited to share some of the people, places, 以及使威尼斯彩票游戏成为弗吉尼亚州顶尖女子学校的项目.
在你"虚拟"看完威尼斯彩票游戏之后,请给我们一个真实的 visit 来到我们位于弗吉尼亚州的500英亩的校园. Walking around campus, attending classes and Morning Meeting, seeing the stables and athletic center, 与学生和老师见面绝对是最好的方式 亲眼看看威尼斯彩票游戏有什么99499威尼斯信誉别之处.
There is no typical Foxcroft girl. 每个女孩都有自己独99499威尼斯信誉的天赋,每个人都知道并重视她, passions, hopes, and dreams. 你可以冒险,敢于与众不同,而不用害怕,因为你会受到鼓励, supported, and celebrated.
学生来自全国各地和世界各地. 他们代表了广泛的民族、种族和社会经济群体. They all come together to form a special, close-knit, 在威尼斯彩票游戏接受尊重差异的社区,即使它体现了包容性, broadening horizons, 让女孩们为我们所生活的日益缩小的全球社会做好准备.
我们的教师对教育女孩充满热情,并积极参与课堂之外的社区活动. They serve as coaches and dorm parents, share meals in the Dining Hall, and meet with advisees weekly. 他们可以在每天的辅导课上获得额外的帮助,大多数人住在校园里.
Our mission and philosophy,随着我们的规模,在课堂内外培养更个性化的方法. Small by design, Foxcroft has a 5:1 student-to-faculty ratio, an average class size of nine, 还有一个充满爱心的教师,他们大多住在校园里,真正了解他们的学生. 这使我们能够确保每个学生都在她的教育中得到满足, social, and emotional journey, 她得到了她需要的支持和/或挑战.
At Foxcroft, 教师在户外上课进行科学探索, creative inspiration, 或者换个环境,提高注意力和动力. Students get outside every day — to play sports, ride horses, enjoy the views, or simply walk from dorm to dining hall.
Our miles of riding and running trails, along with the pool, tennis courts, playing fields, and natural features such as Goose Creek, are hard to resist. Anywhere you go, there is something special. As one former student put it, "It 难道很难不爱上在春天盛开的几十朵樱花吗.”
Intentionally small, 威尼斯彩票游戏是一个99499威尼斯信誉别温暖和个性化的教育社区,充满了善意, caring people. Girls come here because they like what they see, hear, 并在他们访问期间感受到-我们的核心价值是每个学生都被了解和重视, that meanness of spirit is not tolerated, that the School’s traditions are awesome, 学生们爱他们的老师和朋友. Alumnae cherish the lifelong friendships.
Many schools tout their sense of community; Foxcroft exudes it.
— Saylor ’18
“威尼斯彩票游戏最棒的一点是,你可以做自己,可以自由地表达自己. Here, being different is a good thing.”